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CPSC-334/final-proj at main · risxyang/CPSC-334


There are quite a few strands of thought that went into this project:



I settled on two main enclosed components: 1) the sensorpad, and 2), the forest sculpture. The third component would just be my Raspberry Pi + a Projector hanging out on the ceiling, pointing down towards the sculpture. Ideally I would want some projection-mapping to happen.

I started out by sketching out the enclosures:



I started out very ambitious with the number of photoresistors I thought I could hook up (25? 16?) But I realized that I could only hook up 6 PRs max to ADC1 pins on the ESP32, if I wanted to transmit data over Wifi as well. So I realized that 5 would make an MVP (Corners), and 9 would be the best I could do if I could get 2 ESPs working.

I also thought I might want to use mostly LEDs for the lighting effect. I had the idea of mapping regions on the sensorpad to regions at the base of the sculpture, so if you hovered over the NW sensor then the NW region of the sculpture would light up. But 1) this seemed much too 1:1 for me (even though the interactivity I devised later on was still, pretty much, 1:1) and 2) I was yet unfamiliar with LEDs and was afraid I could not manage this. So! I assumed that projection would comprise most of the lighting effects of this project, and I asked Scott if I could spend my final project course funding on a pocket projector. Unbeknownst to myself then, a few days later I would also manage to figure out LEDs and integrate them into my sculpture...

For starters, here I am trying to figure out dimensions for the sensorpad and the sculpture:



I was using battery packs which are 6” lengthwise, so I resized these enclosures to be able to accommodate them. Small regret: I settled on a 6.5x6.5” base, but I forgot that when you plug things into the battery, the cable takes up some space as well; I should have done 7x7” at least. So space was tight, and this may have contributed to issues down the road, which I will talk about soon.